Castor, Kieran White
Pollux, Kamil Zdebel
Télaïre, Tosca Rousseau
Phébé, Anna Werecka
Jupiter, Dawid Biwo
Le grand Pretre de Jupiter, Wojciech Sztyk
Cleone/Une Ombre Hereuse/Une suivante d’Phebe, Ingrida Gapova
Un Athlete/Mercure/Un Spartiate, Aleksander Rewiński
Dancers, Adrian Navarro, Valerie Lauer, Aleksandra Pawluczuk, Dominik Skorek, Joanna Lichorowicz-Reś, Sławomir Greś, Elisa Bermejo Gomez, Alberto Arcos
Assistant Choreographer, Karin Modigh
Assistant Director, Hannah Gellesz
Director, Choreographer, Deda Cristina Colonna
Music Director, Benjamin Bayl
Set, Costumes, Lighting, Francesco Vitali
Head of Vocal Ensemble, Krzysztof Kusiel-Moroz
Warsaw Opera Kamerlana. Vocal Ensemble of the Warsaw Chamber Opera. Early Instruments Group of the Warsaw Chamber Opera
26, 28, 30 November 2021, Warsaw Opera Kamerlana, Poland